Brick Therapy: Improving Social, emotional communication with children with SEND Training Day- CPD Standards Accredited
27th September – registration 10 am
Kambala Community Hall, 126 Fawcett close SW11 2LU
Lego®- based therapy is a very popular and successful evidence-based therapy which encourages the development of social competence through collaborative play.
Sen Talk has developed its own interpretation of LEGO®-based therapy that involves the traditional model pioneered by Dr Daniel Legoff with principles from an Emotional literacy programme and Social Skills building programme. This combination makes our programme versatile and a successful intervention for a variety of needs, ages and abilities to build a better social understanding.
Sen Talk has been successfully delivering Lego®-based therapy through a community programme for the past three years and has conducted research and analysis of the programme as an intervention for children with SEND and social and emotional difficulties. Sen Talk works at a service level and is able to give practical advice and support to any organization or educating setting to successfully incorporate the intervention within their own setting.
During the course you will learn …
- The principles of traditional Lego®-based therapy
- How to implement your own Lego®-based therapy programme in your education or community setting.
- Resources and techniques to support Emotional Literacy and Social Competence
- How to adapt your programme to support a variety of needs
- Different approaches (Speech and Language and communication) from different disciplines
- How to assess and evaluate your sessions successfully
What is included in the day?
Training agenda:
Part one
- Understand what autism spectrum disorder and ADHD conditions are from impairment to profile
- Understand how communication impacts our social skills
- The principles of Lego®-based therapy
Part two
- How to implement your own Lego®-based therapy programme in your education or community setting
- Knowledge and skill to adapt your programme to meet a variety of differencing need
- Lego®- based therapy and different approaches (Speech and Language and communication) from different disciplines
Part three
- Resources to aid successful intervention
- How to assess and evaluate your sessions successfully- Formal, standardised assessment
- How to monitor progress, and create SMART Targets
The cost of the training day is £200 per attendee, which will include lunch, refreshments throughout the day and resources to help participants get started.
Creating Autism Inclusive Environments: Helping children and young people thrive- CPD Standards Accredited course
16th October- registration 10am
Kambala Community Hall, 126 Fawcett close, Battersea SW11 2LU
Annaliese Boucher, Founder and Director of Sen Talk CIC a specialist Autism and ADHD organisation that works at grassroot levels with children and families to improve opportunities and remove barriers, will lead a training day promoting Inclusive practice to help support Autistic children and young people thrive.
Who is this course suitable for?
This course is suitable for professionals working within the community and voluntary sector supporting children and young people and Education professionals working with children on the Autistic Spectrum. The course is suitable for those wishing to expand their knowledge of SEND, specifically autism, and increase their inclusive practice to meet the needs of individuals helping children unlock their potential.
Aims of the course
The course aims to help professionals develop key understanding in providing a fair an inclusive environment for Autistic children and young people. The course will help professionals develop an understanding of neurodiversity and a working philosophy that encourages the acceptance of autistic individuals.
Annaliese is also a parent of an Autistic child and has written this programme based on first-hand experience as a parent as well as her professional experience working with children and young people. This course will provide participants with the toolkit and resources to implement specific equality and diversity measures within their setting and extend the knowledge of good SEND practice.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout the day.
Cost of the course in £100 for professionals/ private Independent workers, £75 charities or non-profit / £50 for parent/carer non- worker in SEND.